Monday 17 September 2012

The interview process: getting it right

So you've decided that a career abroad is right for you. You've told friends and family that there is a possibility you will be moving, researched places to live, and looked into moving costs. But there's one last hurdle before it all becomes a reality: the job interview itself. Obviously you need to get through this process before anything else can happen, so it's important you get it right. Below are some tips on making the best impression from start to finish.

- Research the prospective employer. What is the background of the company? Do they have any current projects they’re working on? This will prepare you for any questions you may be asked about the business.

- Does the company use social media? Is the tone formal/informal? Knowing this can give you a good idea about the tone of the interview and the nature of the company; it may also allow you to get to know about the people who work there.

abroad, Acorn Global, blog, careers, emigration, interviews, jobs, moving abroad, overseas, relocating, working, working abroad- Have a good understanding of your abilities, interests, skills, goals and experiences; this will help you understand and present yourself more successfully. 

- Memorise specific examples of how you have used your skills to achieve measurable results in previous job situations, and apply them to the job you're interviewing for.

- Plan how you will get to the interview and how long it will take. Being prepared for any potential delays will mean there is less of a chance of you getting lost/arriving late.

- Prepare some answers for questions you might be asked. Questions such as ‘what are your strengths/weaknesses?’, ‘why should the company employ you?’ and ‘where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?’ are fairly common.

Attending a job interview is the final step before you get that all-important job offer, so it’s important you get it right. Follow these tips though, and you’ll be one step closer to success! For more advice and information, visit the Acorn Global website.

Helen Lock

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