Friday 28 September 2012

Could it be time for a new job?

No matter how much you love your job, there comes a time when even the best career loses its charm. But how do work out the difference between a bad day and a bad job? And is it really worth the upheaval and stress it may bring, especially with the current state of the job market? Below are some signs that show maybe it's time to move on.

- You dread Mondays
No-one particularly likes going back to work after the weekend, but if you literally can't face the thought of getting out of bed, and you rack your brains for excuses not to go in, then it's probably time for a change.

- You want every other job but yoursYour best friend's career has never interested you before, but suddenly you feel jealous every time they mention it. When others complain about their jobs, you wonder why they're complaining when they've got it so much better than you. If every other job sounds better than yours, then maybe you should think about applying for one.

- You feel like all you do is complain
Everyone moans about their job from time to time; it's practically a law of being employed. But if  you find most of your sentences contain some sort of complaint about your job, it may be time to look for something that makes you a bit more cheerful.

Acorn Global, blog, careers, emigration, interviews, jobs, moving abroad, stress, working, working abroad- Procrastination is your favourite task
There’s nothing wrong with zoning out every now and then. But when it begins to interfere with day-to-day activities and you struggle to complete even the simplest task, then you should probably find something that gives you more focus.

- You don't get along with anyone
Obviously we can't be best friends with everyone, but if people are unwilling to even make eye contact with you, and no-one seems to know your name, then it's probably time to find a career where you have something in common with at least one person.

Beginning a job search is never easy, but if any of the above points apply to you, maybe it's time to start updating your CV. Over on the Acorn Global website there's a fantastic selection of jobs available, and we're always on hand to answer any questions you may have, and offer support all the way through your search.

Helen Lock

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