Friday 7 September 2012

Australian Census 2011: what does this mean for the job-seeker?

If you're thinking of moving Down Under, an obvious concern is missing friends and family. Will the Australians understand your sense of humour? Will you ever find anyone who can empathise with your desire for a proper bar of English chocolate, or cup of tea? Australians may speak the language, but cultures can vary massively from country to country.

The results of Australia's 2011 census, which was released in June this year, may help to reassure you however. out of the 21,507,717 people currently living in the country, 911,593 were born in the UK. 7,238,533 of Australians have English ancestry, a 1% higher percentage than than those with an Australian heritage. 76.5% of the population speak English as their main language, so there should be no cultural divides in that department!

The census also revealed some interesting facts about the country itself. The average age of an Australian person is 37, with only 13.82% of the population being over the age of 65. The country is still relatively young in age as well as history, which lends itself well to the outdoor, relaxed image it is famous for. 

abroad, Acorn Global, Australia, blog, emigration, friends and family, homesickness, moving abroad, overseas, relationshipsAverage earnings and household income has also risen considerably since 2006: the average wage for an individual has increased from $750 per week to $885, and the average household income rose by 20.2% to $1234 per week in 2011.

All the information revealed by the census makes for interesting and informative reading, especially if you are considering a move to Australia. With higher incomes than ever before, and a wealth of new job opportunities for skilled employees, as well as a rich and diverse culture, why wouldn't you want to move Down Under?

Helen Lock

For more information about job opportunities in Australia, head on over to the Acorn Global website.

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