Monday 3 September 2012

Preparing to move abroad: the final three months

So you've landed the dream job overseas, broken the news to friends and family, and handed in your notice at your current job. Now it's time for reality to kick in, and the practicalities to be sorted out. 

abroad, Acorn Global, Australia, blog, careers, emigration, friends and family, moving abroad, overseas, packing, working abroad
Getting caught up in the excitement of a big move can mean that certain priorities get sidetracked while you plan your first barbecue on the beach. But cramming all the important stuff into the final week before leaving is a recipe for disaster, and will ensure you end up at your destination stressed and likely to have forgotten something. below are the important factors to consider in the three months leading up to your move.

Three months before

- Research shipping companies and gather quotes to see if you can get a good deal. It's also a good idea to do this for flights as well.

- If you are taking a pet with you, ensure they are fit to fly and book their flights and quarantine if required. Quarantine stations get surprisingly busy so it's a good idea to confirm you can get your pet a place to avoid stress when you arrive.

- It's a good idea to consider selling any unwanted household items or donating them to charities, family and friends. Starting early is the best plan, as this can take longer than you think.

- If possible, open a bank account in your new country, as well as an account with a currency trader so you get the best deal when transferring your money. It is also worthwhile to ask your bank for credit references at this point, as official paperwork can take time to process.

- Ask your doctor and dentist for hand-over files to take with you when you sign up to new healthcare professionals abroad.

Two months before

- At this stage you will probably be spending most of your time organising the move, but make sure to take regular breaks to avoid becoming overly stressed. Make the most of spending time with friends and family, and think about arranging dates for them to visit you; this can make the separation more bearable.

- If you have no fixed place to live once you arrive at your destination, look into renting temporary accommodation for when you arrive. Also, if you are renting your current property, make sure you let your landlord know about the move.

- If you have children, try and register them in new schools and make sure they have contact details of friends, so they can keep in contact.

One month to go

- Ensure that you have informed all the official agencies of your move: these include the tax office, DVLA, pension company, bank etc. 

- Make sure you have paid off any direct debits such as internet connection, television and phone subscription, and let the companies know when you want to be disconnected.

One week to go

-  Almost everything should be finalised by this stage, so take a moment to get excited about the move and what the journey has in store for you.

- Cancel any newspaper subscriptions or milk deliveries, and if you have sold your car, cancel the insurance on it. Double check that all your goods have been shipped and any other unwanted items are disposed of.

- Ensure you have some local currency on you for when you arrive at your destination, as you never know when you might need it.

- Make spending time with friends and family a priority, as this will probably be the last time you will see them for a while. Once everything is sorted, you can sit back and relax, knowing the journey is taken care of and it's time to begin your new life overseas!

Helen Lock

For more information on job opportunities abroad, and further help and advice, visit the Acorn Global website.

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