Tuesday 25 September 2012

Moving abroad: surprising benefits you may not have considered

There are some obvious benefits of living and working abroad that everyone knows about: a complete change of lifestyle, different (often hotter!) climate, better opportunities etc. But if you're still unsure, even after considering all the positives, here are some advantages that you may not have considered:

- It makes you appreciate the little things
From family and friends to home comforts such as a good Sunday roast or baked beans: once you move away these will no doubt be the things you miss most. But think of it the other way around; these are also the things you'll really appreciate once you get to have/see them again. After all, they do say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. 

- You can be whoever you want to be
Obviously you're not going to become a completely different person just by moving to a different country, but being in surroundings where no-one knows who you are, or anything about your past, means you are able to omit all those little details you'd rather no-one knows about.

- You've always got a conversation-starter when meeting new people
We all know the feeling of entering new surroundings and not knowing anyone. But by coming from a completely different country and culture, it instantly gives you an opener to any conversation. Mentioning that you're not local and asking for advice about where to go/what to do instantly opens up communication between you and others, and may even lead to invitations to try new things.

abroad, Acorn Global, blog, careers, cons, emigration, friends and family, jobs, moving abroad, overseas, pros, relocating, working, working abroad- It's a chance to make lasting new friendships
Of course you'll never find anyone to replace your family and friends back home, but moving to a new place means you can connect with a whole new group of people who can bring something completely different into your life. 

Relocating overseas is no doubt a daunting prospect. However, by weighing up the pros and cons and considering factors you may not have thought about before, you may start to see that there are plenty of great things waiting in store for you.

For more information and advice, and for a list of our current overseas opportunities, head over to the Acorn Global website.

Helen Lock

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