Wednesday 29 August 2012

Packing for the big move

Packing up your life into several hundred boxes is often one of the most stressful aspects of the relocation process. Making that initial decision to move is one thing, but putting the process in motion can make you question why you would want to move in the first place.

But packing up your home and life doesn't have to be the total nightmare you imagine. If you plan well in advance and schedule a to-do list of the most important factors to consider, you will arrive in your new destination less stressed and able to find that tin opener with the minimum of fuss.

abroad, blog, emigration, friends and family, moving abroad, overseas, packingMinimize moving damage and stress by preparing a strategy for planning. Whether moving a few miles down the road or internationally; if you have decided to pack your stuff without seeking a professional help from local removalists, then you must devise a good plan.

Getting started with packing is the most difficult task in the whole moving process. Make a list of the items to be packed, which eliminates the things that you don’t intend to carry with you to your new home, and saves you shipping them halfway around the world only to be dumped when you get there. Some people want to start a new life at a new home, with new things: it can be costly but will reduce stress in the moving process. Dispose of unwanted articles by either donating them or putting them up for sale. After getting rid of the extra household articles, prepare a list of the items to be packed. Below are a few packing tips to ensure the move goes as smoothly as possible

Invest in good quality packaging material
You can either buy boxes and packing material from a local removal company or save money by asking family and friends to donate or asking in local supermarkets. Things like tape, pens, rubbish bags, and a pair of scissors are also important to have on hand. Don’t buy same size boxes, as you will need different packing cartons for different things. Electronic appliances benefit from being packed in their original boxes, which has the added benefit of being easier to identify when you get to your new home.

Packing fragile items
Lamps, glassware and china should be packed with extra care. Bubble wrap is the best way to ensure that these fragile items will reach the destination unharmed. If in doubt, double wrap items and make sure boxes are tightly packed.

Label your boxes clearly
After packing the boxes, clearly label them with a permanent marker. While labelling, write in detail about the contents: for example, write ‘fragile kitchenware’ on the box which contains china and glassware.

Pack articles one room at one time
Pack items one room at one time. Take regular breaks during the packing process to stop things becoming overwhelming. It's also useful to pack a move-in kit for all the members of your family containing things like a towel and a toothbrush, toiletries etc.

The more carefully you pack things before the move, the more relaxed you will feel at the time of unpacking in your new home. It also means less damage and fewer arguments when it comes to settling in and starting a new life.

Helen Lock

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