Thursday 30 August 2012

Acorn Global and Bis Industries: Recruiting for Australia

Australia’s mining boom has been well-documented over the past few months, which has gone on to have a direct effect on the demand for skilled workers. Australia itself is currently suffering from a severe lack of these workers: out of the 20 million people currently living there, far too few are trained in the skills needed to work in the mining industry. Obviously these skills can be taught, but this takes time, and with all the resources readily available to begin the mining process it makes sense that the country has begun to look overseas for the right workforce.

abroad, Acorn Global, Australia, Biz Industries, careers, emigration, friends and family, jobs, mining, moving abroad, overseas, working, working abroadOne company currently looking to recruit UK employees is Bis Industries. Working with the world’s biggest mining and resource companies, Bis process, handle, haul and support millions of tonnes of material across Australia. Built on the back of over 120 years of history and experience, in the past two years the company has grown exponentially, and is now looking for employees to help build an iconic Australian brand.

After approaching the company for help, Acorn Global joined forces with Bis, and initially agreed to provide in excess of 100 workers to attend interviews for the chance to fill 50 available positions. Out of the 102 candidates invited, 102 turned up to the interviews, proving the interest and workforce is definitely out there. Candidates were invited to bring along close family, in order for any issues to be addressed, and any questions on the emigration process to be answered. After an initial registration period and an introduction to the Acorn Global company, a presentation by Bis - including real life stories from those who have made the trip abroad - was made. Following this, a range of online tests took place, ranging from health and safety and cognitive behavioural tests to a series of technical questions. This rather extensive interview process ensured that the company were able to build up proper relationships with the candidates and provide them with as much information as possible.

abroad, Acorn Global, Australia, Biz Industries, careers, emigration, friends and family, jobs, mining, moving abroad, overseas, working, working abroadOf the interview process itself, the candidates described Acorn Global as “absolutely fantastic”, a “brilliant support” and “with you at every step of the application process”. Ensuring the candidates are fully aware of all the factors involved in the emigration process means that Acorn Global know exactly what they will go through - good and bad – and won’t make a decision that they may later regret.

Rick Briant, Director of People and Organisation at Bis Industries, said of the interview process, “I’ve seen a fantastic group of people over the past few days”. So fantastic in fact, that Bis decided to increase the number of candidates selected, from 50 to 73.

Summing up Acorn’s recruiting event and candidate assessing, Mark Kobulniczky, General Manager of Resourcing at Bis stated “I don’t believe any other companies are doing it to this degree and this professionally”.

If you're interested in our opportunities in Australia, take a look at the jobs page on the Acorn Global website.

Helen Lock

1 comment:

  1. Candidates were invited to bring along close family, in order for any issues to be addressed, and any questions on the emigration process to be answered.

    Bandura Headhunters
