Wednesday 2 January 2013

Looking for a job? Australia needs you!

Recent news of the improving economy is undoubtedly a positive step for the UK job market. Those who are out of work however, may find small comfort in this, as companies are understandably still wary of taking on new staff when the future is still uncertain.

So what to do in this situation? Many people are now looking into employment opportunities overseas, where the job market is more stable. Australia is becoming an increasingly popular destination for job seekers, as the country is currently facing a major skills shortage. This doesn’t look like it will end anytime soon either, as a recent survey by professional service company KPMG revealed that the current skills shortage in Australia is likely to remain a “permanent feature”.
Further information from the Department of Immigration have shown that the application for skilled migration visas have risen 26.4% from 2010-2012, with around 91,050 workers in Australia under the program in June this year.

The selection of available jobs in Australia is incredibly varied, and there is something to suit all different skill levels. From Labourers to Geomembrane Installers, the mining industry in particular is looking to recruit from the UK to fill positions. 

One great example of how Australia is becoming a popular destination for people looking for work is the rise in popularity of certain jobs that have decreased in other countries. In the UK in particular, the declining manufacturing and construction industry has seen demand for welders drop in recent years. It might be harder to get into the industry at home but highly-skilled welders can still earn as much as £40,000 a year. However, in other countries the need for welders is much higher – and so are the wages: Australia is a great example of this.

Over on the Acorn Global website, there are currently a fantastic selection of jobs, not only in Australia but all over the world. Whatever your skills or qualifications are, there is a career for you, so why not make 2013 the year you change your life for the better?

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