Wednesday 31 October 2012

Increase your chances of finding a job

You've heard it a million times already: the job market is tough at the moment. If you need to find work though, this news isn't helpful at all; in fact it’s positively depressing. And chances are, if you’re reading this you may be one of the thousands of people who are mid job search, and need advice not discouragement. So just for you, we've got some tips to help you maximise your chances of getting that all-important first step on the career ladder.

- Don’t look for the ‘perfect’ job: There is no such thing. It’s incredibly rare to get everything you want from one role, especially when jobs are scarce enough as it is. Letting go of perfectionism is essential, and there is always time to find better opportunities and make valuable connections when you are secure in another job.

- Prepare, and then prepare some more: Preparation is key; whether you’re sending out CVs, applying for a position, or attending an interview. Make sure all cover letters you send are specific to each individual job role, and research potential companies you are interested in working for.

- Network: Both social and professional networking can bring great results when it comes to your job search. Make sure you have a presence on websites such as Twitter and LinkedIn, and look for community and networking events in your local area.

Acorn Global, blog, careers, interviews, jobs, working, CV, Interviews, recruitment, skills, unemployment,- Don’t be discouraged by rejection: Being rejected is just another part of the application process. Competition for positions is fierce, and you won’t be suitable for all roles. However, if it’s really taking longer than expected, it may be time to rethink your methods and come up with a new plan.

- Start at the bottom: Sometimes, the job you really want isn't always available. If you can get a foot in the door at the company you want to work for, but it’s at a much lower level than you anticipated, it could be a good idea to take it, as the opportunity to work your way up is always there.

- Don’t rule out temporary jobs: Getting a temporary job is better than having no job at all. You never know when a temporary job may turn into a permanent one: just put in 100% and show the company they can’t do without you. 

At Acorn Global, we are dedicated to helping you find that perfect new career. Visit the website for more advice, how to register with us, and a selection of some fantastic job opportunities.

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